Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Odds & Ends

Dave has asked a few questions, so I've decided to answer in a post.
First about my (and Dale's) cryptic comments about Arenal:
  • When we scheduled the visit to Arenal we were deeply skeptical. Not only had we been warned about the dangers of an unguarded border, but we didn't think we'd find anything or anyone we could work with. On the contrary, we found a destitute and needy community eager to cooperate in any way they could to address a real and deep need in their village. I didn't expect that. I don't know how to address that. But I know I have a need to try and figure it out. By the way, the water from the Mopan River that the Guatemalans drink turned black within 24 hours. The water from the well that the Belizeans use is only slightly cloudy and golden after the requisite 2 days. The Belizeans have good water. The Guatemalans don't. They share a village, but can't share water.
  • The raw water concerns Dale raised have to do with the fact that we were told Myrna was keeping the raw water tank empty because she didn't want to use the fuel to run the generator to run the pump to fill the tank. This prevented people in the village from having access to any water from the public pump, a situation we had anticipated and designed around, but didn't explicitly include in the covenant. When we arrived, we noticed that the raw water tank was not only full, but smelled slightly of chlorine.We tested it at 3 ppm, right where it should be for safe drinking water. Myrna and crew said they did that to make sure anyone drinking that water wouldn't get sick (but wouldn't like the taste). They may have done this specifically for our visit, but knowing the right answer is half the battle!
- dan


Dave M. said...

Hey guys, it all sounds great. I'll not to make my comments too LLW wonkish.

As we recognized a year ago, Myrna is the individual that drives Yalbac's success. Any evidence that she / Yalbac are broadening the base for the long run? Did you taste any of the treated water? Has the "PVC Taste" gone away?

Another Arenal question; I think Dale stated that the Gautemalan side didn't have a source of raw water. Why can't the Mopan be used? It sounds like wate the LWW system is designed for (soft but contaminated).

Finally, please sign your posts. I'm having to figure out who the author is based on the context (I'm talking about you, Louisiana-Teacher-Mom).

Peace, Dave

FPC Oak Ridge said...

Dave -
Myrna is definitely the driver. She claims she has tried to sell water to La Gracia and to those living in the "eastern suburbs" of Yalbac, on the other side of Victor Tut's Emerald Paradise. She also claims to have had no success. We hope that may change if we can educate La Gracia on how bad their water is (it turned black black overnight).
The Mopan is definitely a source for Arenal Guatemala. It would need to be piped a good ways uphill and to whatever site is chosen, but would be an appropriate source.
We were informed today by the Cayo Rural Development Minister that the Belize side has repeated problems with contamination. Our sample came up clean only because the entire system was shocked with chlorine a couple months ago. The water board doesn't want to chlorinate because of cost and taste, so the problem will return.
I posted Peggy's entry, so must take responsibility for the lack of ID. 'll go back and add a signature.
- dan