Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Clean Water University

We're here.
Here is Camp Hopewell, just a few miles outside historic (so we're told) Oxford MS. After leaving Oak Ridge just after dark-thirty this morning, we arrived amidst balmy temperatures and otherwise beautiful weather around 2:00 local time.
The 'we' is Doug Allen (a local legend, BTW, as we soon discovered from Wil Howie, Director of Living Waters for the World), Chuck and Dale Hadden, Dave Mullins, Tim Myrick, and me, Dan Terpstra.
Organized activities began around 3:30 and continued pretty much non-stop until worship ended a few minutes ago.
Believe it or not, none of the six of us thought to bring a computer, so I'm composing this on a creaky old destop that's making suspicious clanking noises in the camp office.
It looks like we're in for a jam-packed next few days. As (and if) we find time, we'll try to blog our experiences day to day. I doubt, however that this will rival either Belize or Biloxi for sheer emotional intensity.
Already, though, we've met a couple from Cody, Wyoming who plan to go to Belize with the Farragut trip in May to evaluate a potential water site on the Belize/Guatemala border.
We're learning and connecting and getting energized by some pretty amazing people and stories. Tonight I talked with an Episcopal priest from Phoenix who has worked with Rick Ufford-Chase on border issues and is working with an Atlanta Presbyterian Church (Shallowford) to install water systems in Chiapas.
I'm missing the snacks and conversation, so I think I'm gonna wrap this up.
Watch this space!

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