Sunday, December 25, 2005

Watch This Space!

Merry Christmas!
In less than 2 days, 11 members of our congregation will be leaving for Gulfport Mississippi, and a week-long adventure in service to some of the poorer citizens of Biloxi. We'll be staying in the Westminster Presbyterian Church in Gulfport, along with 170 other Presbyterians from East Tennessee, and 50 high schoolers from Canada. We'll be sleeping on the floor in the sanctuary, shoulder to shoulder. We'll be doing a lot of roofing and other support activities during the day, and eating, sharing and worshiping together in the evenings. Showers? Not to worry, there's a high school nearby!
We've been assured that this is no "kum-ba-yah" mission trip, and that we will be changed by the experience. We don't know yet how or even if that will be true, but we hope to share the experience with you as it happens through this blog. Of course, that assumes we've got internet connectivity when we get there!
Those of us that are going on this trip include:

John Drake
Paul Drake
Jordan Greenlee
Claire Harris
Daniel Harris
Dave Mullins
Drew Mullins
Syd Murray
Walt Porter
Dan Terpstra
Sarah Terpstra

We ask that you keep us in your thoughts and prayers.
And check back here daily for recent updates.
Oh, and don't forget to respond! One of the advantages of this blog format is that you can add your comments to our posts. Let us and others know how you feel about what we're experiencing and reporting.

- dan terpstra


Anonymous said...

Looks good, Dan! Our thoughts and prayers will be with you troopers. Now let the countdown begin! -JT

Anonymous said...

Anne, Catherine, Emily, David, and Del just read your Dec. 27 message. We're so glad to get your news! We just know that Daniel must be in the "mucking out houses" group! Anne wants to know if they have bought out all the food in Mississippi to feed Daniel! Thanks for the info! We hope you get more sleep tonight!

Anonymous said...

Our prayers are with you all! So glad that you have the tent and pop up. Sounds like you are having excellent weather.
Our love, Anita and Doug