Thursday, February 26, 2009

Golden Corral

We retraced our steps from earlier in the week toward Yalbac. This time we stopped in Spanish Lookout, the Mennonite community south of Yalbac. Our destination was the Golden Corral, a restaurant, where Chuck and Mike Sale and I had eaten with Sheree and Aki last spring. This Golden Corral has nothing at all to do with any Golden Corral at which you may have eaten in the US. This one has Belizean rice and beans (not stewed beans and rice) on the menu, along with German pirogues. I ordered the regular sized beans and rice with beef, thinking that a $5Bz small portion wouldn’t be enough. My $8BZ ($4US) arrived stacked high on the plate and dripping off the edges. And on top of that, it was delicious.
We were meeting Harrison for lunch and further discussion of the Yalbac project. We showed up about 15 minutes early (US time) and he showed up about 15 minutes late (Belize time). Although we were eager for Harrison to sign our covenant agreement it became quickly obvious that he was not, setting it aside and changing the subject instead of saying no. Belizeans hate saying no. Harrison was much more interested in a conversation with Dave and Aki about having the company he works for, Belize Concrete, build the water building. Aki reviewed the proposal and decided it was about the same cost and much simpler than hauling concrete blocks up to Yalbac and building it with volunteer labor.
After lunch Harrison picked up the stack of covenant copies to bring back to Yalbac. They’re having a community wide meeting on Sunday afternoon to discuss and hopefully approve the covenant. Signed copies will be delivered to Sheree and passed along to us, completing the preliminary stages of this project.

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