Friday, February 20, 2009

On the Mission Circuit!

We covered a lot of ground today. Most of the others did the heavy lifting. I’ll let Dan provide the gory details. The first stop struck me as the most frustrating. The poverty was significant and our primary task was to convince people of very limited resources that they needed to be concerned, and ultimately pay for, pure water (that’s why I’m a LWW tech person and not a people person).
We visited a number of villages, took many water samples and drove on miles and miles of dirt roads. We finished the day at the Hope Mission Center and were surprised to find our contacts from Kentucky came down here to work at the last minute (they say hi, Tim). Things took a further surprising turn when our lodging for the night, the local Methodist church, turned out infested by killer bees. Our host offered to put the five of us in his living room along with housing four from Kentucky but we opted to drive up to the nearest “big” city and get some hotel rooms for the night.
We’re on the coast so we should see another great Belizean sunrise tomorrow. We’ll hit a few more villages at the southern most end of our travels before heading up to the Yalbac area on Sunday.
Peace to all,


Anonymous said...

Yikes! Killer bees! I don't think I've heard that particular problem mentioned on any of the other Belize trips.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I thought botflies would be the only real problem.