Monday, May 04, 2009


I've heard countless times at Clean Water U that a celebration at the end of a water installation is essential. I've even taught the concept in my CWU 101 classes. I bought into the idea intellectually. Yesterday I experienced it.
We convened in Yalbac around 2:00 Belize time, which means we really started around 2:15. The church had been swept and decorated; the trench with the water line from the well had been filled in, the grass had been mowed around the church. Somebody was ready to party! Ernest Banner, Director of Rural Development for Belize showed up, as did his Cayo district deputy Orlando Jimenez. A handful of Rotary folks from San Ignacio joined us, along with a good turnout from the community itsef.
The dedication ceremony itself was about as I expected, with invocation, introductions, thanks, etc. The kids singing water songs was endearing. Anne did a great job as "emcee" and got pretty choked up talking about the meaning and value of clean water. We ended with a communion-like sharing of the water with all takers. First in line was Victor Tut, owner and operator of the newly opened Emerald Resort Eco-Lodge where we spent one night on our last trip. He's very interested in 'copying' the design for a treatment system at the lodge.
The feeling of celebration really kicked in after the ceremony. Mirna Castillo, the one-woman whirlwind, was giving tours of the water building and explaining how the system worked in Spanish; then she was supervising her kids serving fruits and juices and 'pudding of bread'. Harrison McColloc, the council chair was expansive in his plans for the future: "When you come back we will have the building painted and flowers planted and the grounds graded; it will be beautiful!"
As the celebration wound down and people drifted away, there were heartfelt goodbyes, and hugs and pictures all around. We have definitely made new friends in Yalbac.
God is good!
- dan

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