Saturday, May 02, 2009

Good Morning

It's a beautiful morning. Dave and I are sitting on the patio as the sun brightens a blue cloudless sky. I'm reading email & blogging, and Dave's listening to Morning Edition on his computer. In about a half hour Sheree and Aki will be picking us up for breakfast at Pop's. After that, Aki and Dave head back to Yalbac to finish up the water system. The rest of us will be participating in the San Ignacio Saturday morning market scene -- largest in Belize!
We'll meet up later in Yalbac to do a little more health education and the operator training.
Prayers requested for productive (and short?) day of final activities today.
- dan

1 comment:

Peggy B.T. said...

I remember the market in San Ignacio...from a distance anyway. I had to buy a hat today for Mother's would have been nice to get one in Belize.