Sunday, March 13, 2011

Feels Like Home Again...

We're here. Again. At least again for me. Everything feels so familiar -- like home. I asked the "newbies" what they thought so far, and saw the same wonder in their eyes that I had on my first visit 6 years ago. It's hard to project back to the novelty of that first experience. What remains is the peaceful comfort of a familiar place. It's different this time; I'm not in charge. That feels both good and slightly unbalancing. Anne's doing a great job for which I am immensely grateful, I just hope she continues to put up with my occasional intrusions.
It's also different because of the changes at Jaguar Creek. The hurricane last fall had a significant impact. Lots of trees are down and the jungle feels like it's at arms length instead of wrapping you in her arms. Buildings that melted into the trees in 2005 and 2008 are quite obvious now.
Mateo is still here at Jaguar Creek, as in 2005 and 2008. In fact his whole family is here now, living on site in a caretaker's house. Michael appears to be doing great. He's a brash and loving 4 year old who has already established a special friendship with Anne and an affinity for the games on my iPad.
The food, as always, is still prepared deliciously by Judy and enjoying time together as a group after dinner hasn't changed. Time will tell what God has in store for us this week. I wait with open anticipation...
- dan


JIm Tonne said...

Nice to read the traffic! Huge button on homepage to make it very easy for 'net surfers to come here. Use lots of film :-) to record the events. - JimT

Peggy Terpstra said...

My thoughts have been with you all today. In my mind's eye, Belize is as it was last time I saw her --- languid, welcoming, quietly friendly. God bless all of you for your work there. Dan, you'll be especially glad you have howler monkeys to listen to and not my hacking cough!