Saturday, March 19, 2011

Making Water

After successfully accomplishing our assigned tasks on Thursday, yesterday became a play day. Half the crew headed to the zoo, and half to the Mayan ruins. I was part of the ruins. So to speak.
We drove again to San Ignacio, where we wandered around checking out ATMs and the local market. Then we headed up to Octavia Waight on the hill south of town. I showed everybody the water system and a little of the home, after which they headed for Cahal Pech, a small ruin at the highest point on the hill. While they checked out the ruins, I checked out the water system, shocking it with bleach and flushing it before installing the filters while the maintenance man watched. Once everything was buttoned up, I took a couple water samples. The "before" water had chlorine in it, which is good for disinfection but bad for taste. The "after" water tested chlorine free, so there's hope it will be palatable to the clients of Octavia Waight.
As I finished up, the team returned to pick me up for the trip to Xunantunich, the "big" ruins on the Guatemala border. We had a fabulous picnic lunch courtesy of Jaguar Creek in a shady picnic area near the entrance while Bobby cut up star apples and made (some of) our lips numb. The tour took most of the afternoon, and after a little souvenir shopping (Peggy - we have another slate map of Belize) we made it home in time for Robin to get her soccer fix.

We're now ensconced again at Midas Resort, our home in San Ignacio for the last several trips. Everybody checked out of Jaguar Creek this morning. Kathy Huxco headed to Ambergris with her kids and Ashley. Anne, Hannah, Robin and Don headed back today thru Miami and the Fulchers headed back with an overnight in Dallas. The Culversons, Haddens and me headed for San Ignacio.
We, along with the Fukais and a couple Octavia Waight board members, dedicated the water treatment system with a toast of treated water. The board and staff were deeply appreciative of having this extra security for the health of the residents.
After lunch at Hodies we decided to chill for the afternoon. I'm sitting on the patio right now enjoying the breeze while Chuck and Dale head into town for some pharmaceuticals. The sun is down foar enough that I think I'm ready to try the pool -- yes, Dave, a new addition since last year. We've got dinner at Serendib, a Sri Lankan restaurant, with Sheree and Aki tonight. We'll try Pop's for an early fry bread and beans Belizean breakfast tomorrow morning and then off to Yalbac for an 8:00 AM meeting followed by a meeting with the council chair in La Gracia. We may stop in at Los Tambos on the way back to town, or come home through the Ducks (I, II, and III). Depending on how long that all takes, we may even have time to swim tomorrow afternoon, before heading for the airport on Monday morning.
We're not quite done yet, but I'm smelling the barn...
- dan

1 comment:

Peggy Terpstra said...

Shall we actually hang up this slate map? I think so, this time.