Sunday, March 16, 2008

Deja Vu

Sunday, March 16, 5:15AM
It’s early. But I’m done sleeping. I’m not alone. Syd’s rattling around in the bathroom and Uncle Mike’s just rolled out of bed. Guess us old farts just don’t sleep like the young pups anymore. Besides, it’s already after 7 back home.
It’s interesting and somewhat unsettling to be back here after three years. See Belize filtered through my memories and expectations and projecting what it must look like to the eyes on the team seeing it for the first time.
The drive from Belize City was disappointing. We started with a wrong turn from the airport (I was navigator), and wound up driving through the edge of the city instead of taking the “shortcut” we’d intended. We turned it into a learning opportunity, observing what I imagine many bustling cities in the developing world must look like. As we left the city, we drove for what seemed a long time through brush and scrub. Occasional fires to clear the land for planting wafted thick smoke across the van. The landscape and housing was impoverished, ramshackle and unappealing.
Then we turned south at Belmopan and things changed. The road narrowed, lush growth encroaching on either side. Banana palms and large vine covered trees replaced the scrub. Sudden elevation changes replaced the flat. I was gratified that the jungle was still as awesomely different and beautiful as I remember.
We missed the turn from Hummingbird Highway to Jaguar Creek (I was the navigator). Dave Mullins spotted the small sign that marked my mistake. When we finally pulled into the parking area, I was feeling the strong pull of Déjà vu as Matteo met us at the van to help us unload.
I insisted to Ben and Drew that a visit to the namesake creek was a must. They complied and I was gratified by the teenaged exclamations of approval at the incredible beauty of this special place. We’re here. I’m back. And God is with us in this place.
- dan terpstra

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