Sunday, March 16, 2008

It's in God’s hands

Saturday late, March 15
Well we’re finally here in Belize, and despite the day’s hijinx, We’re ALL here. As I sit and listen to the various jungle noises (think katydids on steroids) I can still hear Jaguar Creek flowing gently in the forest. Looking back, today was an incredibly long day, and it really is amazing that we all made it. After waking up at 4:30, there were a comical number of obstacles in our two leg flight. Interestingly enough, I saw Kirsten Brynestaad at the airport while checking in, but that was the high point. From there we had to wade through hours of cancellations (due mostly to fog), faulty ticket reservations, lost (and subsequently found) passports, the whole nine yards. And still, despite all these obstacles, I’m sitting in a screen porch in the middle of the rainforest, hearing true fish stories from Mike Skytta. I think God was reminding us it’s not our decision, but that He’s in control. I also remember being amazed by several things in my first few hours here. First was the oppressive humidity. It was like I stepped out of the plane and into a damp blanket. Another interesting detail was the fact that sodas are actually in glass bottles. I was struck also by the beauty of the forest. Descriptions weren’t enough to prepare me for the real thing; it’s truly beyond words. Also, I was struck by the sense of peace. It is truly in God’s hands, and I realized I didn’t have to worry, just go with the flow.
- ben terpstra

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