Friday, March 21, 2008

From Dale, Thursday

3/20/08 Dale Hadden
Today we worked at the orphanage. We worked in the kitchen because there was a dental team seeing the children where we had worked before. First, several impression - the orphanage is much improved. There is much less debris, the rooms are clean but still crowded. The kitchen is improved. Everything looks freshly painted. This is reflected in the children as well. Three years ago we treated 10 or 12 children with ringworm. This time I treated one. I identified one child with a minor heart murmur and one child (new to the orphanage and young) with badly bowed legs, probably rickets, who needs orthopedic intervention. A few children had ear infections. There were many cases of head lice. The children on the whole were healthy, and their skin looked good. In one long marathon session we completed the physicals on the children, several children of staff members and a few staff members. I was impressed with our teens’ relationship with the children.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad that you all provide and opportunity for all of us watching from the outside to minster vicariously through you!

Why is it not possible to boil the necessary laundry to defeat head lice? Is there more that I am missing?

Travel home safely.
Happy Easter!!