Wednesday, March 19, 2008

From Charica-March 16 morning

The morning started out very peacefully. Waking up to the sound of birds in the jungle and the soft morning light sifting in through the trees was as close to sleeping outdoors as you can get with a roof over your head. The peace was short-lived, though. Within about ten minutes, the place was bustling with activity and very human noise. Not that it was a bad thing. It was a good noise – the sound of people sharing space, getting to know each other, getting along.

Later in the morning, we were blessed with some truly joyous noisemaking. We joined the Church of the Nazarene for a powerful, music-centric worship service. The energy in the room was contagious and the volume loud enough that even I felt at ease joining in. The sermon itself was particularly moving to me. It was such an insightful look at Jesus’ triumphal entry – focusing in such detail on the unbroken, young colt that the Master needs. It spoke to me about willingness versus willfulness and about missed opportunities.

My afternoon was spent cave-tubing in Jaguar Paw. If you have never been there, then you are missing an amazing experience. That such vast beauty can be hidden in such dark places says a lot to me about the wondrous ways of God. Words cannot describe it and photos can’t capture it (despite Mike’s very determined efforts as designated photographer!). If you can, go see it for yourself someday...

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