Friday, March 21, 2008

From Chuck

Thursday night

Today I went with Dan, Peggy, Lynn, and Jessica on a field trip to the San Ignacio area. On the way we stopped at the basketball court we had worked on last spring. It was finished and looked great. From there we went to visit Nadean Jones's husband in the village of Cristo Rey. Dan will likely write about that, so I'll let this be sufficient.

We then visited the Octavia Waight nursing home, where Lynn chatted briefly with a resident she had met last spring and gave him a stack of magazines she had brought. Next, a visit with Rafeal Ku, the general manager of Presbyterian schools in Belize. We discussed the potential water treatment system at the Orange Walk school, and I felt we came to an understanding that we should proceed toward a covenant to rebuild the existing non-functional system.

Tonight we had Maundy Thursday communion. I felt a strong connection with you back home taking communion in a far different place, but linked by the bond between us. I think it went well, by which I mean that I think I didn't prevent anyone's having a worshipful experience. It was my first experience as a celebrant, and a bit scary. I am thankful for the change in the Book of Order that allowed us to have communion and for the training that Pastor Kerra gave me to make it possible.

Back at the lodge after the service, Peggy, Sarah, Ben, Drew, Dale and I sang hymns and gospel songs for a while. It was wonderful to join our voices and our hearts to make such joyful music to praise God.

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