Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Mixed Feelings

Tuesday AM, March 19, 2008
Most of us were working in Armenia yesterday. I was among them. I found myself nurturing very mixed feelings as I walked through the community center and onto the porch where we mixed so much concrete three years ago. It was gratifying to see the laundry building we’d put so much effort into – now much more complete with a roof and cyclone fencing on the windows. But as I entered, it was disconcerting to realize that it had never been used for laundry. The six cast concrete wash tubs formed two rows down the center of the building, exactly as designed. But they were filled with discarded snack food bags, not laundry. The PVC pipe came up from the floor and fed the laundry tubs. Except for the broken fittings where kids had climbed or jumped on them. The building had been secured at one point, but only hinges on the frame suggested where a door had once hung. Dead vines climbing the back of the building reinforced the feeling of disuse. Putting aside feelings of disappointment, I walked out into the bright blue Belizean day. Hope re-emerged as I became engaged in the process of planning for the water tanks that will resurrect the promise of the laundry building from three years ago and promote the dream of clean water for the people of Armenia.
- dan terpstra

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We've enjoyed reading all of the blog entries posted by Belize team members but we'd love to hear more from Syd if someone can show him how to do the whole blogging thing...:) If that doesn't work maybe someone else could write about him. Syd is our hero! Hope all is well and that you are all safe! We will be praying for you while you are in Belieze and we will also pray for your safe and happy return.

Love, Tiffany, Bonnie, Syd III